Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Birth Day.

It was decided by the doctors at the fetal center that we would deliver via c-section sometime between 38 and 39 weeks gestation. No one knew what condition the baby would be in at delivery and whether he would need immediate surgery to relieve the pressure on his brain. A medical team was formed and we were given a tour of the level 4 NICU, where our baby would be taken right after delivery and potentially stay for the first few weeks of life.

At 36 weeks, I noticed a decrease in fetal movements. It was a Friday afternoon and so we were sent to labor and delivery for evaluation. It was then discovered that I had developed pre-eclampsia and I was admitted for the weekend. Labor was induced that Monday, and due to the early delivery, we were able to try a trial of labor with the hopes of avoiding a c-section.

At 6:45 on Tuesday evening, our little boy was born. The room was full of people and medical equipment, none of which he needed. He scored a 7 on the apgar scale and then a 9 five minutes later. He was taken to the NICU under neuro watch and was assessed by the neurosurgeon, who saw no immediate need for surgery. He had an MRI the following day that confirmed the findings from the fetal MRI but confirmed that he did not have raised intracranial pressure . He was discharged home 48 hours after delivery with a follow up appointment scheduled the following week with the neurosurgeon.

We were so thankful! Not only did he not need immediate surgery, he also didn't have to endure a difficult delivery and his head size was within the normal range. We were elated to be bringing him home so soon.

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