Thursday, June 19, 2014

Neurology Consult #1.

Kyle's first neurology consult came at about three weeks of age. He had a full neuro exam. His reflexes were normal and he had good muscle tone. There was some concern about his eyesight and it was noticed that his ears were slightly rotated back. There was also some concern over the movement on his right side and it was suggested that he might need physical therapy on that side. We left the appointment with an ophthalmology referral, an order for a EEG and a lab request for genetic testing.

About a week following the appointment, Kyle began to open his right hand and now uses it purposely when playing on his play mat. He receives physical therapy bi-weekly through ECI and is doing very well. His EEG is scheduled for late July and his ophthalmology consult is in late June. He is going to do great!

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