Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A MRI, Hospitalization, and Visit From Fred

We missed Kyle's weekly ER visit last week and couldn't stand being away from the medical center so long so we packed a bag and headed to the ER to say hi. We had such a good time catching up with our favorite MRI techs, residents and surgeon that we decided to get a room! Such fun! 

Not really. Kyle is vomiting. This is our third ER visit and second hospitalization this month. Not that you would ever see any emotional distress from Kyle. He laughed when he was strapped onto the MRI table and smiled when it was time for his "just in case" pre-op bath. He's been cooing and flirting with his nurse. He probably thinks the surgeon is his uncle and the MRI machine is a fun photo booth. 

I'm not doing as well. I'm tired. And worried. His MRI showed an increase in cyst size. Fred is back and wreaking havoc again. We were admitted last night and told it was possible he'd be back in the OR this morning. Thankfully, the vomiting improved overnight and it looks like we'll be going home this afternoon with a follow up neurosurgery appointment in one week. So, no surgery today. But maybe surgery next week. Or the week after that. Or the week after that.... sigh. 

We knew that life with Kyle would be an adventure. It's one we eagerly signed up for and would sign up for over and over again. He's such a joy and blessing. Just one snuggle from this sweet boy makes every moment spent in the ER, hospital, surgeon's office and OR waiting room absolutely worth it. We continue to put our hope and trust in Jesus and eagerly await the day our sweet boy can put the MRIs and surgeon visits behind him. God has big plans and a bright future in store for Kyle and we are so very proud of him. In the meantime, we continue to pray for peace, healing and rest. 

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