Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

It has been a month of many firsts. Kyle's first tooth. His first Easter. His first sip of milk. His first time saying "mama". His first month without a MRI. (Guess which I'm most excited about? You're right- him saying mama. But not needing a MRI is a pretty darn close second.)

There's not much news to report on Fred (because, you know, he hasn't had a MRI!). The cyst growing on the back of his skull is slightly larger but nowhere near the size it would have to be to prompt his surgeon to remove it. His head is growing at an appropriate pace and we are very hopeful that his MRI in late May will be similar to his last scan four weeks ago. (We also don't have any news on the neurologist front because his neurosurgeon told us to cancel those appointments. We have enough doctors. He can handle the neuro stuff. Have I mentioned how much we like this guy?)

On Friday, Kyle's feet will be cast so they can create a mold for his new orthotics (we will be referring to these hence forth as his magic shoes. Or at least his mother will). He has a mild deformity of his right foot that needs to be corrected and they will also be designed to help him learn to bear weight appropriately on his left leg. He is doing very well in PT and has made some great strides this month. He is pulling himself to sitting from his side and can pull up from his stomach to his knees. We are very proud of him! 

What's next: 
Continued weekly physical therapy
Pulmonologist May 2nd
MRI/neurosurgeon in late May

First birthday on April 15th and superhero party on the 18th! Our victorious boy will be ONE soon! 

Thank you for your continued prayers! We are thankful for the love of Jesus and that we fight this battle not FOR victory but FROM victory for He has already overcome this world. --John 16:33 

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