Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Happy October!

Baby Kyle is doing great! He's a happy little boy. He can roll both directions and sit using his hands for support. His physical therapist even said she thinks he is trying to shuffle forward when he is on his tummy! He will be six months old next week and we can hardly believe it. He is such a JOY. 

He LOVES the neurosurgeon's office. It's a good thing since we've been seeing so much of him lately! Last week was an eventful week. Kyle spent another night in the hospital for observation with vomiting. Thankfully, he improved and was able to come home. His MRI though showed an increase in both cyst and ventricle (fluid filled spaces in the brain) size but a decrease in the amount of fluid/blood surrounding the brain. 

A lofty goal! 

He had a follow up appointment with the surgeon yesterday and we discussed his surgical options, if surgery becomes necessary. Kyle's hydrocephalus is a little more complicated than the typical case and a shunt simply isn't a good option for him. So, our next step would be a second surgery similar to the first, where the surgeon will try to accomplish what he was unable to accomplish the first time by going in at a different angle and from a different position. 

Our hope is that Kyle won't need any surgery. If he does, we hope and pray the second surgery is a success and that it will eliminate his need for a shunt. His next MRI is in three weeks and we are hopeful that he will have a restful and uneventful break between appointments.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Kyle is a well loved little boy!

What's next-
-Neurology follow up Oct 22
-MRI and Neurosurgery follow up Oct 28
-Continued physical therapy bi-weekly

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