Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Three Months Old!

How time flies! 

Kyle had a two week check up with the surgeon yesterday. He did great! His head growth seems to be slowing and there were no signs of increased intracranial pressure. His next MRI/follow up is in one month. We are still praying that the fluid surrounding his brain is absorbed into his bloodstream and that the MRI doesn't show any cyst growth. 

Kyle is also doing well in physical therapy. He is visually tracking faces and is doing better with holding his head at midline and occasionally turning it to the left, instead of keeping it turned to the right- his favorite side! He is starting to develop a flat spot on that side of his head, so we are working extra hard at this! 

What's next:
EEG on July 25th
MRI on August 12th
Neurology follow up in mid August

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